About us
Welcome to LEARN!The Learning Expertise and Research Network – short LEARN – is a group of scientists and practitioners who have an interest in cognitive learning processes and learning difficulties.
The primary aim of this network is to stimulate the exchange of actors in different fields (e.g. research, school, therapy, parents…) who are implied in learning.
You can download our newsletter (see page newsletter) in which we present some of our most relevant results in relation to learning and learning difficulties.
The LEARN -Group
Networking Research & Practice

Learning Differences

Cognitive Science Perspective

The learning Brain

Research-Based Intervention

Partners & Services
Association Luxembourgeoise des Orthophonistes (ALO)Centre de Logopédie
Centre de Psychologie et de l’Orientation Scolaire (CPOS)
Commission Médico-Psycho-Pédagogique nationale (CMPPN)
La Fondation du Grand-Duc et de la Grande-Duchesse
Luxembourg National Research Fund
Services Audiophonologiques
Service de Consultation et d’Aide pour troubles de l’Attention, de la Perception et du développement Psychomoteur (SCAP)
Service de l’Éducation Différenciée (Ediff)